15 total: 14 real people, 1 TV character.
Requirements for celebrity status- to be determined by the 4 judges, majority rules.
Minimum 2 under 20, maximum 2 over 70. No known diseases.
Point system: 100 minus their age. 10 point bonus for a streak (3 person streak would get 20 points and on and on and on and onnnn, thanks Martellus).
1st gets 16 points, last gets 9 points, December gets 5.
Guessing cause of death gets you an extra 5 points.
You have to have at least 1 of the following categories: Athlete, anybody on TV/movies, musician, political figure/commentator, TV fictional character.
If the character comes back to life: if in 2010, doesn't count as death, lose those points. If in 2011, you have to do 2 shots of Rum Island Ice Tea.
Minimum 3 men, 3 women.
Draft: Either next Tuesday or Wednesday, 1 minute clock.
Possible updates in the future, suggestions in the comments, and most important, click the ad baby.